At 18:45 -0500 6/7/02, Danny wrote:
>Danny writes:
>>I just upgraded to redhat 7.3 and am now having this problem when I
>>try to read my /home/dwrice/.my.cnf file.
>>perl -we 'use DBI;DBI->trace(2);my $dsn = 
>>$dbi = DBI->connect($dsn,undef,undef) || die $DBI::errstr;print 
>>     DBI 1.21-nothread dispatch trace level set to 2
>>     -> 
>>, ****)
>>     -> DBI->install_driver(mysql) for linux perl=5.006001 pid=3158 
>>ruid=500 euid=500
>>        install_driver: DBD::mysql version 2.0419 loaded from 
>>     <- install_driver= DBI::dr=HASH(0x81019d0)
>>     -> default_user in DBD::_::dr for DBD::mysql::dr 
>>(DBI::dr=HASH(0x81019d0)~0x81435a4 undef undef HASH(0x818b560))
>>     <- default_user= ( undef undef ) [2 items] at line 468
>>     -> connect for DBD::mysql::dr 
>>undef **** HASH(0x818b560))
>>imp_dbh->connect: dsn = 
>>uid = , pwd =
>>imp_dbh->MyLogin: dbname = dwrice, uid = NULL, pwd = NULL,host = 
>>NULL, port = NULL
>>imp_dbh->MyConnect: host = NULL, port = 0, uid = NULL, pwd = NULL
>>imp_dbh->MyConnect: Reading default file /home/dwrice/.my.cnf.
>>imp_dbh->MyConnect: Using default group client.
>>imp_dbh->MyConnect: client_flags = 0
>>Segmentation fault
>>My .my.cnf still works fine with the mysql client.
>>I am using
>I was running the default redhat 7.3 mysql-3.23.49-3 when the above
>occurred. I replace 3.23.49-3 with the 4.0 alpha mysql MySQL-4.0.1-2
>and this problem went away.

This change notes page probably explains what you were seeing:

That page has this item near the end:

Fixed core dump bug when reading client groups from option files 
using mysql_options().

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