On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, Vinod Menon wrote:
> Our application was using DBI.pm version 10.25 against Oracle 7.3.
> Lately the oracle database has been upgraded to 8i ( and after
> that our Perl code is not able to connect to Oracle database. The code
> just dumps core.
> Do I need to download a newer version of DBI. The perl version is used
> is:
>  5.005_03 built for PA-RISC1.1
> Also other library files version are:
> Oraperl.pm,v 1.39
> Oracle.pm,v 1.77
> Pl advise what I need to do so that the perl code will work with Oracle
> 8i ( Would appreciate any help to solve this issue.

I think you have to rebuild Oracle.pm to link against the 8i 

Or, keep your Oracle8 OCI library somewhere and use LD_PRELOAD or similar 
so that Oracle.pm links to it instead of the updated client library.

Orlando Andico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mosaic Communications, Inc.

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