At 16:23 +0100 6/30/02, Tim Bunce wrote:
>Support for cancel was added in DBD::Oracle 1.09 thanks to a patch
>from Fredrik Sjoholm.

Will cancel eventually become the general preferred replacement for
finish for early termination of result set fetching operations?

>He sent this test script with it:
>use DBI;
>use strict;
># test $sth->cancel() implementation
>my $db = DBI->connect ('dbi:Oracle:', "ez", "ez", { RaiseError=>1, 
>AutoCommit=>0 });
>my $q = $db->prepare ("begin loop null; end loop; end;");
>$SIG{ALRM} = sub { print "Alarm\n"; $q->cancel; print "Cancelled\n"; };
>alarm 5;
>I've not tested it myself (and the test looks limited) but he was
>obviously happy with it.

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