Can you turn on DBI tracing at, say, level 3 and capture the output and post
here, with the whole script?



> Hiya. On my home comp, I'm able to insert into my Players table
> perfectly. I
> uploaded my scripts and DB to my domain, try to insert, and get the
> following error:
> Content-type: text/html
> Software error:
> Died while executing: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Operation
> must use an updateable query. (SQL-S1000)(DBD:
> st_execute/SQLExecute err=-1)
> at d:\gearhost\hostingaccounts\ebahoops\www\cgi-bin\ line
> 439.
> I don't understand why the insert works on my home comp but not on my
> hoster's server.
> Also, why is the error saying that the "Operation must use an updateable
> query" when I'm trying to insert rather than update?
> Here's my code for inserting:
>                               #the fields are split into groups
> of 5 to make reading a whole lot
> easier
>                               $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO Players
>                                       (
>                                       PlayerID,
>                                       LName,
>                                       FName,
>                                       Address,
>                                       AptNum,
>                                       City,
>                                       PostalCode,
>                                       Phone,
>                                       BusinessPhone,
>                                       DOB,
>                                       Gender,
>                                       PrimaryEmail,
>                                       Email2,
>                                       Email3,
>                                       ReturningPlayer,
>                                       Division,
>                                       ReferenceNum,
>                                       RepOrHouseLeague,
>                                       HasPayed,
>                                       ProblemWithRegistration,
>                                       TeamNum,
>                                       Notes
>                                       )
>                                       VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,
> ?,?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,?,?, ?,?)");
>                               #the fields are split into groups
> of 5 to make reading a whole lot
> easier
>                               if ($sth->execute
>                                       (
>                                       $new_playerID,
>                                       $player_info{'player_last_name'},
>                                       $player_info{'player_first_name'},
>                                       $player_info{'player_address'},
>                                       $player_info{'player_apt_num'},
>                                       $player_info{'player_city'},
>                                       $player_info{'player_postal_code'},
>                                       $player_info{'player_phone'},
> $player_info{'player_business_phone'},
>                                       $player_info{'player_DOB'},
>                                       $player_info{'gender'},
>                                       $player_info{'player_email1'},
>                                       $player_info{'player_email2'},
>                                       $player_info{'player_email3'},
>                                       $player_info{'sibling'},
>                                       $player_info{'division'},
>                                       $player_info{'reference_number'},
>                                       $player_info{'rep_or_house_league'},
>                                       'No',
>                                       'No',
>                                       0,
>                                       ''
>                                       ) || die "Died while
> executing: $DBI::errstr")
>                                               {
>                                               print "Player
> successfully added to the database.<p>";
>                                               } #end if executed properly
> I doubt that there could be something "wrong" with the SQL, since it works
> on my home comp. However, I'm guessing that there's something
> that I can do
> differently with the SQL so that it'll work both on my home
> system and on my
> hoster's server.
> So, if anybody has any suggestions or insight, please give me a shout.
> Thanks!
>       Nick Hoffman

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