Hello.  I've got a bit of a problem with my app when running on Perl
5.004_04.  Basically, I'm using DBD::AnyData to retrieve rows from csv
files.  The app installs and runs fine on every setup that I've seen,
except machines running 5.004_04.  Now I think I saw somewhere that
this version of Perl may be buggy, but if at all possible, I'd like to
code in a fix that will get the app running on it.

When calling DBD::AnyData I saw syntax errors on two lines.  They're
presented below and my fixes for them.

Original Line 387:  $txt .=  "<$_> " for @col_names;
New Line 387:       for (@col_names) {$txt .=  "<$_> ";}

Original Line 523:  push @$requested_cols, $_->{column} for @rc;
New Line 523:       for (@rc) {push @$requested_cols, $_->{column};}

These are both in DBD::AnyData.  The fixes avoided the syntax errors,
and I think the new syntax is doing the same thing as the old syntax,
but now I'm getting the following:

DBD::AnyData::st fetchall_arrayref failed: Attempt to fetch row from a
Non-SELECT statement at /database.pl line 407, <DATA> chunk 64.

Which initiates from DBD::File when $data is empty.  I know for
certain the csv files I'm hitting exist and have data in the right
format, etc.  As I said, the same app works on every other platform.
The only thing I can see here that's different is the perl version.

Can someone please point me in the right direction for my fix?
Permissions, everything else is the same.  Thanks in advance for any
help you may be able to offer.  BTW - I did RTFM and STFW :)

Nick Hendler

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