On Sun, 25 Aug 2002 13:27:32 +0200 "NYIMI Jose (BMB)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I didn't test the code I suggest below but may be this can provide you
> Some new ideas:
> package Db;
> use base qw(DBI);
> use strict;

This is basically what John Coy was trying in the first place.  It won't
work because DBI __IS NOT__ a single class.  There are examples of how to
subclass DBI in t/*subclass.t and DBI/ProxyServer.pm, look at them.

Sometime between DBI 1.20 and DBI 1.30, subclass support was expanded.
There is now a section "Subclassing the DBI" in the fine manual.

Mac :})
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