On Thu, 2002-08-29 at 05:53, Roger Perttu wrote:
> Michael Peppler wrote:
> >On Thu, 2002-08-29 at 02:31, Michael Dalziel wrote:
> >  
> >

> >First of all you should print out any potential error messages, both for
> >the prepare() and the execute() calls.
> >
> >Second, I believe that to get OUTPUT parameters this way you have to add
> >a 
> >     select @p
> >after the exec.
> >
> Or try this:
> qq[declare \@p int; \@p=exec spfoo \@p output; select \@p]

Transact-SQL doesn't like the ; characters (or at least, the Sybase
version doesn't...)

Michael Peppler / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / http://www.mbay.net/~mpeppler
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / ZetaTools, Inc / http://www.zetatools.com
ZetaTools: Call perl functions as Sybase stored procedures!

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