Each entry in @tuple_status returns the
equivalent return-code (aka rowcount)
that would be returned by a single execute()
using that entry's associated parameter tuple,

if $sth->execute() with parameter tuple
1 would return a rowcount of 1, then
@tuplestatus[1] == 1;

if $sth->execute() with parameter tuple
23 would return a rowcount of 100, then
@tuplestatus[23] == 100;

In the event a parameter tuple causes an error,
the assoc. tuple status entry contains an
arrayref of [ $sth->err, $sth->errstr ], eg,
if $sth->execute() with parameter tuple
100 would return an undef rowcount, then
@tuplestatus[100] == [ $sth->err, $sth->errstr ];

The final return code from execute_array
returns the sum of all the returned rowcounts,
unless *any* parameter tuple resulted in an
error (ie undef) rowcount, in which case
execute_array returns undef.

Also note that the ArrayTupleStatus attribute
is optional...if you're feeling lucky ;^)

And of course, array binding is still
experimental and subject to change; as more
drivers adopt it, there may need to be some
tweaks in the above spec.

Dean Arnold

On Thu, 29 Aug 2002 13:43:56 -0500 J & C Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks, that worked! one more question if I
> may. Have you come up with a simple
> technique for cycling through the tuple status
> array to test for
> success/failure of a row/column?

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