The *.mdb file IS the Access database.  I've tried a couple of ways to
read it on a UNIX system and nothing worked.  Your best bet is to set up a
similar scheme on a database that sits on your Linux box (i.e. Postgres,
MySQL, etc).  On the Windows machine, load Perl (like ActiveState
Perl) with DBI, and drivers and client libs for your target DB.  Make a
Perl script to select * and then as your loop through your result set,
insert it into the target DB.

If someone has a way to directly read Access databases on a *NIX system,
I'd love to hear about it.  It's been a while, but I think using DBI Proxy
to connect to an Access DB on windows was one way to do it.
Even if a method like that worked, I think you'd eventually want to scrap
using Access altogether and use a real DB that resides on your Linux box.


On Sat, 7 Sep 2002, Moritz von Schweinitz wrote:

> hi,
> i have access a database that's stuck (poor thing ;-) inside a .mdb 
> file, and resides on a linux machine via the DBI. the linux-box is a 
> file-server, and the clients access the database via samba (why would 
> anybody do it that way??! i simply don't get it).
> i'd really, reallt like my program to run on that box.
> does anybody have an idea how i can accomplish this without having to 
> ask some windows-machine to tell me what's inside that DB? i'd be 
> perfectly happy with read-only access, if that makes a difference.
> any help is very appreciated,
> M.

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