Working in perl ActiveState 5.6.0 and cygwin with
DBD::ODBC I've had somewhat similar problems.  My data
set contained characters encoded in UTF-8.  When these
were loaded into SQL server they were
miss-represented, i.e. all UTF-8 characters appeared
as two extended characters.  I first translated my
data set to Latin-1 and have had no problems since.
My selects never return '????'.  But, the extended
characters will be represented differently depending
on your shell and editor. 
John Mapoles

--- Olivier Poulet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Using ActiveState Perl 5.6.1 build 633
> The following happens when using either
> ActiveState's DBI & DBD:ODBC
> ppds or the latest ones posted by Jeff Urlwin.
> When retrieving ntext, nvarchar et al. values from a
> MS SQL 2000 server
> using DBD::ODBC, extended characters show up as
> ?????
> I'm also unable to get "correct" values through
> DBD::ADO, Win32::OLE and
> Win32::ODBC, even when disabling AutoTranslate in
> the DSN properties.
> The only workaround I have found is by using
> DBD:JDBC (with a bad hack
> for SQL_BIGINT) and MS's JDBC driver.
> I've also tried to find hints as to where or what to
> look for in various
> lists and archives, but to no avail.
> Is it possible to retrieve / insert Unicode values
> using DBD::ODBC and
> MS SQL 2000 ? If so, what am I missing here ?
> -- 
> Olivier Poulet

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