SQL2071N An error occurred while accessing the shared library
"<shr-lib-name>". Reason code: "<reason-code>"

Cause: An unexpected error occurred while accessing a vendor shared library
during the processing of a database utility. The following is a list of
reason codes:
     An invalid shared library path was encountered.
     An attempt to load the backup shared library failed.
     An error was encountered while unloading the shared library.

The utility stops processing.

Action: Ensure the shared library provided is valid and resubmit the
utility command or use another supported media.



                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                     
                    f.edu                To:     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                  
                    18-09-2002           Subject:     SQL2071N error occured while 
accessing libdb2licm.so                              

Hi all,
   "SQL2071N error occured while accessing libdb2licm.so"
   When I start db2 under suse7.2 this error occured:
   "SQL2071N error occured while accessing libdb2licm.so"
   I have libdb2licm.so and libdb2licm.so.1 in db2\lib directory.

Thanks in advance,
--Maryam Hasan

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