-- Ellen Yu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 09/18/02 09:59:41 -0700

> A related question:
> Is there anyway to "hard code" the Oracle environment variables somewhere
> in the perl directories such that if someone uses "/usr/bin/perl"  they
> will automatically use a certain Oracle client directory.  My shop has
> several client versions of Oracle and some of them would have to either
> reset their environment variables or change their perl scripts.
> I'm trying to think of a way where they don't have to do either,
> preferably without multiple installations of perl.

Use a single module that checks the versions and exports
an environment based on the internal logic. Locate the 
module in separate perl installations and you'd have perl-
specific settings; share them and you'd have oracle-specific

Something like:

my %baseenv = 
    foo => 'bar',

    # constant between shells

    HOME    => $ENV{HOME},
    TERM    => $ENV{TERM},

if( (my $a = subcall_that_checks_oracle) eq '' )
    $baseenv{ORACLE_HOME} = 'whatever'
elsif( $a eq '' )
    $baseenv{ORACLE_HOME} = 'whatever-else';


%ENV = %baseenv;

exit system( $ENV{SHELL} );

Steven Lembark                              2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing                      Chicago, IL 60647
                                           +1 800 762 1582

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