Use trace.
Use trace.
Use trace.


On Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 02:35:02PM -0400, Dolan, Mark wrote:
> I am trying to update a table in an Oracle database. I am reading an
> input file which has 
> the column names for the database as the first record in the file. The
> data begins in the second row. I read the first record to pull off the
> column names. I create the sql using placeholders. I then read the rest
> of the file. At the end of the loop I attempt to perform the 'execute'
> using the statement handle of the database. I get the following error.
> DBD::Oracle::st execute failed: ORA-01722: invalid number (DBD ERROR:
> OCIStmtExecute) at ./ins line 61, <$FH> line 1. 
> At the time of the execute @ins = "20", "00002", "Hello, Dolly", "000",
> "01", "022" 
> # assume sth is a valid statement handle 
> # assume $FH is a handle to an opened file 
> my $columns = <$FH>; 
> # 
> # read first record of input file 
> # split the column headers 
> # 
>   my $columnitem; 
>   chomp($columns); 
>   @ins = split /\|/, $columns; 
>   foreach $columnitem (@ins) { 
>    $columnitem = "\"".$columnitem."\""; 
>   } 
> my $formatcolumns=join ( ', ', @ins ); 
> my $valstring= join ( ', ' , ('?') x scalar @ins ); 
> my $sql= "INSERT INTO $table ( $formatcolumns ) VALUES ( $valstring) "; 
> while ( my $line = <$FH> ) 
> { 
> # 
> # split the data fields 
> # 
>      chomp($line); 
>      my $field; 
>      @ins = split /\|/, $line; 
>      foreach $field (@ins) { 
>         $field = "\"".$field."\","; 
>      } 
>      chop($ins[-1]); # remove comma from last item in array 
>      #the actual sequence 
>      $sth->execute(@ins) or $err++; 
> } 

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