No reason why an 8 client can't connect to a 9 database unless you dba has
specifically not installed any backward compatibility. Best test is to try
it :) I would have thought you would get more luck with 8.1 rather then 8.0

Good luck....


-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Lineen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 30 September 2002 16:29
Subject: oracle 9i, freebsd, and dbi


Without any luck, I've been trying to install the necessary components
to use DBI to access a remote Oracle 9i server from a FreeBSD (4.6.2)
webserver.  I've read through the archives, but haven't found much on
using FreeBSD and Oracle together.  I'm curious if anyone has done
this successfully and what your methods were?

In the process of trying to run the Oracle installer, I've run into
numerous java core dumps within FreeBSD's linux emulation.  Is it even
necessary to install Oracle 9i Client on the FreeBSD machine or is
there another source for the libraries to link against?  Can the 8.0
libraries be used to connect to a 9i server (since there are
instructions in the FreeBSD manual for installing Oracle 8.0.5)?

If this isn't possible at this time, what options exist to access the
Oracle server without changing operating systems (DBI::Proxy, XML,

Thanks in advance,

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