Sorry this has taken so long to respond to.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roger Perttu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 12:01 PM
> Subject: Re: Bug in DBD-ODBC 0.45_16
> Jeff,
> I've been busy but finally managed to test the new version. It still
> fails my test.

Sigh .. . here's the test I used (at the bottom) -- isn't that what you

> Jeff Urlwin wrote:
> >Roger,
> >
> >I've finally had a chance to look at this (going through my
> queue of issues
> >& questions).  What I can see is the following:
> >     - No result columns are being returned
> >
> In my case there isn't a query running.


> >     - DBD::ODBC calls SQLMoreResults (and gets
> >over the empty result set
> >     - There are no more results, so execute() returns
> >     - then, the call to NUM_OF_FIELDS triggers a "describe"
> >
> By "describe" you mean SQLDescribeCol, right? Where does the parameter
> value come from? I'm calling the procedure with the parameter set to -1
> (which doesn't produce a resultset) but SQLDescribeCol uses 0 which does
> produce a resultset. (See the SQL Profiler text below)
> Why does the call to NUM_OF_FIELDS trigger a describe? Doesn't the call
> to execute provide the necesarry information?

No, the execute doesn't (at least I don't think it does).  SQLExecute
returns success or failure, not the number or type of columns.

> Copied from BOL:
> For executed statements, the Microsoft® SQL Server™ ODBC driver does not
> need to query the server to describe columns in a result set. In this
> case, SQLDescribeCol does not cause a server roundtrip.

That just means that the ODBC driver (the SQL Server part) "knows" about the
query, without needing to re-query the database.  At somepoint, probably
right after the execute or during prepare, where the result set doesn't
change or is predictable, it *must* retrieve something about the result set.
> The current implementation seems like a huge performance hog.

It may be :), but after execute, DBD::ODBC must determine the right columns.
Especially in the case where stored procs can return varying result sets (in
your example one input can produce a select * from blah in the other, return

> >     - to that, SQLServer returns a large description of columns
> (probably
> >describing what would be the select * from systypes would have been.
> >
> >I would have thought it would not return anything at that point,
> other than
> >there are no rows in the result set.
> >
> >I've fixed the problem/worked around it.  My tests pass here, but it's
> >probably worth you testing further.
> >
> >Thanks for the find and the test!  I'm releasing _18 tonight.
> >
> Thanks for the update. Strange it didn't fix my problem. I rebooted my
> machine to make sure I wasn't using the old dll. I might have done some
> stupid error but ppm says I'm using 0.45_18. (Is there a way to see
> which version of the dll (not the module) Perl is using when the program
> is running?)

Just check the date.  Or, untar the .tar.gz file and check the .dll in the
blib/* directory.

> May I see your test for this specific case? I couldn't (easily) find it
> in

attached.  It's in a "private" test area, where I didn't include it in the

> >>I've managed to produce a test case for the bug I reported earlier.
> >>
> >>When I call a stored procedure that should not return data
> >>$sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS} is wrong and I get the following error:
> >>
> >>E:\Projekt\Helpdesk\Perl\UpgradeDB>
> >>$sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS}: 18 expected: 0
> >>DBD::ODBC::st fetchrow_hashref failed: (DBD: no select statement
> >>currently executing err=-1) [for statement ``{call testPrc(?)}'' with
> >>params: 1=-1]) at
> E:\Projekt\Helpdesk\Perl\UpgradeDB\ line 47.
> >>
> >>The problem is caused by the fact that the procedure is called with
> >>different parameters when its output is examined (SET FMTONLY ON).
> >>
> >>Cut and paste from SQL Profiler:
> >>Event Class           Text
> >>+Connect
> >>+ExistingConnection
> >>+SQL:BatchStarting    set implicit_transactions on
> >>+RPC:Starting         testPrc -1
> >>+SP:Starting          testPrc
> >>+SP:StmtStarting      if(@parameter1 >= 0)
> >>+SP:StmtStarting      RETURN(@parameter1)
> >>+SP:Completed         testPrc
> >>+SQL:BatchStarting    SET FMTONLY ON  EXEC testPrc 0   SET FMTONLY OFF
> >>+SP:Starting          testPrc
> >>+SP:StmtStarting      if(@parameter1 >= 0)
> >>+SP:StmtStarting      select * from systypes
> >>+SP:StmtStarting      RETURN(@parameter1)
> >>+SP:Completed         testPrc
> >>+SQL:BatchStarting    IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRAN
> >> Disconnect
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> Cerate the testPrc procedure first and edit %options before you run.
> ============= ====================
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use DBI;
> use constant LONG_READ_LEN => 8000;
> my %options = (
> DbSrcServer => '(local)',
> DbSrcDatabase => 'databaseName',
> DbSrcLoginName => 'sa',
> DbSrcPassword => '',
> );
> my @dbhPool;
> ##########################################
> ### Functions
> ##########################################
> sub newDbh()
> { my $dbh;
> if(defined($options{DbSrcServer}) && defined($options{DbSrcLoginName})
> && defined($options{DbSrcDatabase}))
> { my $dsn = "DRIVER={SQL
> Server};SERVER=$options{DbSrcServer};DATABASE=$options{DbSrcDataba
> se};NETWORK=dbmssocn;UID=$options{DbSrcLoginName};PWD=$options{DbS
> rcPassword}";
> # print "DSN: $dsn\n\n";
> $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:ODBC:$dsn") || die "DBI connect failed:
> $DBI::errstr\n";
> $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; # enable transactions, if possible
> # $dbh->{RaiseError} = 0;
> # $dbh->{PrintError} = 1; # use RaiseError instead
> $dbh->{ShowErrorStatement} = 1;
> push @dbhPool, $dbh;
> return($dbh);
> }
> }
> sub test()
> { my $dbh = newDbh();
> my $sth = $dbh->prepare("{call testPrc(?)}");
> $sth->bind_param(1, -1, { TYPE => 4 });
> $sth->execute();
> print '$sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS}: ', $sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS}, " expected: 0\n";
> if($sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS})
> { $sth->fetchrow_hashref('NAME');
> }
> }
> ##########################################
> ### Test
> ##########################################
> test();
> ##########################################
> ### Cleanup...
> ##########################################
> foreach my $dbh (@dbhPool)
> { $dbh->rollback();
> $dbh->disconnect();
> }
> =========== testPrc.sql =======================
> create PROCEDURE dbo.testPrc
> @parameter1 int = 0
> As
> if(@parameter1 >= 0)
> select * from systypes
> -- RETURN(@parameter1)

#!perl -w

use DBI;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;

my $dbh = DBI->connect();
$dbh->{LongReadLen} = 8000;

eval {
   local $dbh->{PrintError} = 0;
   $dbh->do("drop procedure PERL_DBD_TESTPRC");

\@parameter1 int = 0
        if (\@parameter1 >= 0)
            select * from systypes

sub test()
   my $sth = $dbh->prepare("{call PERL_DBD_TESTPRC(?)}");

   $sth->bind_param(1, -1, { TYPE => 4 });

   print '$sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS}: ', $sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS}, " expected: 0\n";
   if($sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS}) {
      my @row;
      while (@row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
         print join(', ', @row), "\n";

### Test

unlink("dbitrace.log") if (-e "dbitrace.log");
$dbh->trace(9, "dbitrace.log");


### Cleanup...


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