Assuming you create a Perl module outside of the webserver's
document root, the tricky thing is that for cgi scripts, the
user that the web server is running as needs at least "read"
access to that file that contains the DB passwords.

What platform are you on?

Assuming a *nix platform, I suppose you could create a group
(just_us) that would consist of you, your boss, and the user
the webserver runs under, and then

  --------------------- - contains the DB password $my_db_pw

    have file owner "john", group "just_us", and have
    permissions 750 (read, write, execute for owner, and
                     read, execute for group, and nothing
                     for world)

    use lib '/var/our_perl_modules';
    use DB;
    my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,
                         { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, AutoCommit => 1 }

Note: This is all off the top of my head - it is untested, and
it wouldn't surprise me if it's not syntactically correct, but
hopefully it shows you how it might be done.  Read up on Perl
modules by doing

   perldoc perlmod

at a command prompt.  Doing 'perldoc perl' I found these perldocs
related to modules:

   perlmod             Perl modules: how they work
   perlmodlib          Perl modules: how to write and use
   perlmodstyle        Perl modules: how to write modules with style
   perlmodinstall      Perl modules: how to install from CPAN
   perlnewmod          Perl modules: preparing a new module for distribution

But if there are other administrators(with "root" access)
on the machine, they'll be able to get at your by
just su'ing to one of the user acccounts in the group.

I'm no security expert, and hopefully I haven't mis-stated
anything(please correct me if I'm wrong), but maybe that
gives you an idea or two.

One other thing - if your webserver is Apache, you might
want to check out "suexec".  That allows you to locate cgi
scripts underneath a *regular* users home directory, and run
those scripts as that regular user(they won't run as the
webserver user, they will actually run as the user whose
home directory it is).


Hardy Merrill
Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc.

John Gedeon [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> I write/maintain web applications at my job, and several of them are in 
> perl and use the perl dbi to connect to an oracle db. however, the 
> passwords are displayed in the files and are accessible by many people 
> outside of our group (since all the cgi files are on servers accessible by 
> many people.) Is there a way to hide the passwords in a file so that perl 
> can still connect to the db but now allow anyone but me and maybe my 
> supervisor to see the password?
> Thanks.
> John Gedeon
> <>< Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on 
> your own understanding;"

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