Use trace.


On Mon, Nov 18, 2002 at 09:30:50PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi all,
>       I've got a problem that I absolutely can't figure out, and I was 
> hoping somebody here might know what's up. I'm running MySQL on Solaris 8 
> with perl version 5.6.1, DBI version 1.13, mysql DBD 2.1020, and CGI 
> 2.752.
>       I have a perl script running on a webpage, which takes form data 
> input, and puts it into a database table. This is a straight insert, which 
> works with no problems when the insert is given straight into the 
> database, or through a small test perl program that makes the insert, also 
> with no problems. However, when the program tries to make the insert 
> through the CGI program, it only works some of the time. 
>       DBI return an error code 1054, with no additional information in 
> $DBI::errstr. I'm also not seeing any direct errors in the mysql logs, so 
> I assume there's something going on in the DBI somewhere. 
>       I've searched the web for some documentation on what error 1054 
> actually means, but haven't been able to find out what it is. Does anybody 
> know what this error means?
> -- 
> --< >---< Christopher P. Gill >---< >--
> ----< "Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of >-----
> < the time he will pick himself up and continue on" Winston Churchill >

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