Please show a (very) small example script.


On Tue, Dec 03, 2002 at 02:31:01PM -0500, Trey Gregory wrote:
> I'm sure this has been answered before, but I wasn't able to find anything in the 
>archives. (Is there a search interface available?)
> I have a multithreaded program. My problem is this: if I create a connection in the 
>parent, then create a thread which creates a new dbh, I get an error message about 
>the handle not being owned by the (current) child thread. Since I was creating a new 
>connection in the child, I thought I would be creating a new handle as well, but this 
>does not seem to be the case.
> What is the proper way to work with DBI in this multithreaded environment?
> Thanks,
> Trey

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