> No, it shouldn't -- but I can't see the crash message -- what does the
> dialog box say?.  

No dialog box at all... without trace set, I just get a "perl.exe has
created an error", and with trace set, the service dies silently (it's a
service created with PerlSvc)...
The program worked well before I had put in the select from the $db2dbh the
select from $msdbh. This is the structure of the program:

Old Version:
Select from DB2
        Insert into MS
        remeber deleted
Delete from DB2 remembered

now I have:
Select from DB2
        Select from MS
        Compare $barcode, depending on result
                Update into MS + remember or
                Insert into MS + remember
Delete from DB2

I remember having a similar problem, when I had the Delete from DB2 right
after the Insert into MS. That's why my guess was, the concurrent handles
have a problem.

> If you can, send a small sample with create tables, etc, which
> reproduces this.  For example script1 would have create table 
> on the DB2
> side and insert data, script2 would have create tables on the 
> MSSQL side
> and script three would be a small part of what you are trying to do in
> the crashing script.  The idea is to cut it down to the smallest
> possible, reproducable issue (the easier it is for me to look at and
> run, the faster I can get to it :)

mh, dunno how I can get those scripts, I'm a DB dummy ;)
I'll try to reduce the code below to the minimum...

> > $db2dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:DB2I21", "tefide", "*****", 
> > { RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 1, AutoCommit => 1} ) or do 
> > {print LOG "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$now $DBI::errstr\n" ; 
> > $seconds=300 ; next MAINLOOP};
> > 
> > $msdbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:BTETRANSFER", "LOtest", 
> > "*****", { RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 
> > } ) or do {print LOG "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$now 
> > $DBI::errstr\n" ; $seconds=300 ; next MAINLOOP};
> > 
> > $db2sth = $db2dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM db2bt0xd.bt02th8"); 
> > if ($db2sth->execute) {
> >     while ( @row = $db2sth->fetchrow_array ) {
> >     
> > 
($alfdnr,$anr,$lsdat,$bestnr,$lnr,$kurzname,$oe,$notiz,$aname) = @row;
> >             $timestamp=time();
> >             # Kürzen auf 20 Zeichen
> >             # Prüfung ob Barcode bereits in MSSQL
> >             $mssth = $msdbh->prepare("SELECT Barcode FROM BTEDATEN");
> >             $mssth->execute;
> >             while (@barcodes=$msdbh->fetchrow_array) {
> >                     ($barcode) = @barcodes;
> >                     if ($barcode eq $alfdnr) {
> >                             $dupe=1;
> >                     }
> >             }
> >             if ($dupe==1) {
> >                     $mssth = $msdbh->prepare("UPDATE 
> > BTEDATEN SET Firma='$kurzname', LSNR='$anr', LSDAT='$lsdat', 
> > ANABT='$anforderer', AKNR='$bestnr', BTENOTIZ='$keepnotiz' 
> > WHERE Barcode='$alfdnr'");
> >                     print LOG "Doppelter Barcode: $alfdnr wird
> > updated!\n";
> >                     if ($mssth->execute) {
> >                             push @todelete, $alfdnr;
> >                     }
> >             }
> >             else {
> >                     $mssth = $msdbh->prepare("INSERT INTO 
> > MP,BTENOTIZ) VALUES ('$alfdnr', '$kurzname', '$anr', 
> > '$lsdat', '$anforderer', 
> > '$bestnr','','','','','$timestamp','$keepnotiz')") ;
> >                     print LOG "Unique Barcode: $alfdnr wird 
> > inserted\n";
> >                     # geschriebene Daten merken zum Löschen
> >                     if ($mssth->execute) {
> >                             push @todelete,$alfdnr;
> >                     }
> >             }
> >     }
> >     $c_todelete=@todelete;
> >     print LOG "###################### $c_todelete Entries 
> > to delete from
> > BTE: @todelete\n";
> >     # Daten aus DB2 löschen
> >     foreach $raus (@todelete) {
> >             $db2sth = $db2dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM 
> > db2bt0xd.bt02th8 WHERE A_LFDNR=$raus");
> >             $db2sth->execute;
> >     }
> > }

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