
I have trouble with Oracle connections "stalling" if they are unused for a
long time, particularly Apache::DBI connections. So I overrode the
DBD::Oracle::db::ping subroutine to set an alarm and hence detect this
case-- if the "select sysdate from dual" statement took more than a few
seconds, reconnect.

Unfortunately, it would appear (from searching with google) that perl
5.8.0's deferred signal handling makes this approach unusable.. a simple
test (given below) works fine with perl 5.6.1 but hangs until the statement
completes with perl 5.8.0.

I believe others have encountered this-- has anyone found a solution? I
can't think of one, and can't find one by use of search engine or eyeballing
the dbi-users archives.

All help appreciated.

Test code:

perl5.8.0 -MDBI -e '$dbh = DBI->connect(qw|dbi:Oracle:dbname dbuser dbpass|,
{AutoCommit=>0,PrintError=>0,RaiseError=>1,ShowErrorStatement=>1}); $sth =
$dbh->prepare(q[SELECT SUM(d_c_count) FROM big_table]); eval { local
$SIG{ALRM} = sub { my $res; $sth && ($res = $sth->cancel); print STDERR
"sigalrm $res\n"; die "alarm" }; alarm(2); $sth->execute; alarm(0); }'

where "truss" demonstrates that Perl uses sigaction() to trap SIGALRM, and
SIGALRM is delivered, but the read() inside the Oracle library is resumed.

I am using DBI 1.30-nothread, DBD::Oracle 1.12 and variously perl 5.6.1
sun4-solaris and perl 5.8.0 sun4-solaris-64int.


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