this seems to have changed since i installed DBI 1.32 (i upgraded from 1.30),
and is breaking some scripts which assume that it will always return a hash.

sometimes (when the query returns no rows), it returns the scalar "1" -
attempting to use that as a hashref causes the script to die (with "strict
refs" set - would cause strange errors without it)

the problem seems to be in _do_selectrow() in, which is also used
by selectrow_arrayref.

as a temporary workaround fix, i hacked _do_selectrow() so that it
always returns the appropriate reference.  

like so:

    sub _do_selectrow {
  my ($method, $dbh, $stmt, $attr, @bind) = @_;
  my $sth = ((ref $stmt) ? $stmt : $dbh->prepare($stmt, $attr))
      or return;
      or return;
  my $row = $sth->$method()
      and $sth->finish;
  # temporary workaround fix.  CAS 2003-02-14
  if ($method =~ /ref/ && ! ref($row)) {
    warn "***** _do_selectrow workaround";
    $row = [] if ($method =~ /array/);
    $row = {} if ($method =~ /hash/);
  } ;
  return $row;

i don't know the DBI code well enough to know whether this will have
other undesirable consequences, but it stops my scripts from dying until
a real fix is available.


craig sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Fabricati Diem, PVNC.
 -- motto of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch

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