> Dear all
> i am having a problem with SQL-Statement-1.005, whereas 
> SQL-Statement-0.1020 is working fine.

Where dit oyu get the Label SQL-Statement-1.00XX ?
Why didn't you mark the two queries below with those?

> SQL ERROR: Mismatched parentheses in WHERE clause!
> SV = RV(0x810cad0) at 0x829105c
>   REFCNT = 1
>   RV = 0x83844e4
> DBD::CSV::st execute failed: dbih_getcom handle 
> 'DBD::CSV::Statement=HASH(0x83844e4)'
> is not a DBI handle (has no magic) at 
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/SQL/Statement.pm line 164.
> I think i tracked this down to Parser.pm the cleansql routine which 
> skips closing parens, but not the
> corresponding openings:
>      warn "Before $sql";
>      $sql =~ s~'(([^'$e]|$e.|'')+)'~push(@$fields,$1);$i++;"?$i?"~ge;
>      warn "After $sql";
> Before
> WHERE ( (  ( ( KOLOM4 = '123456' OR KOLOM4 = '' ) AND KOLOM3 
> = '127' ) 
> OR KOLOM8 = 'TRUE' ) AND KOLOM1 = 'bla' )

Does this query work from the command line app?

It seems to me it wouldn't becaue you have 4 ('s and 3 )'s
So just by ete balling it I'd say you have a "Mismatched parentheses in WHERE clause".

Is there an echo? :)

If it work sfrom the command Line I'd be surprised.

> at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/SQL/Parser.pm line 1679.
> WHERE ( (  ( ( KOLOM4 = ?0? OR KOLOM4 = '?1?127?2?TRUE?3?bla' 
> ) at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/SQL/Parser.pm line 1681.
> The (not ideal)query is generated from another application, 
> which is not 
> easy to change, so that is not an option
> Switching to SQL-Statement-0.1020 solves this, but introduces another 
> problem, (there i cannot use the
> SELECT KOLOM1, NULL, KOLOM3 statement)
> Any suggestions ?
> Thanks
> Walter Takens

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