> Cool! Can you show me what the connection string with DBD::ODBC looks like?
Easiest route is to set up a system DSN via the ODBC administrator and then just specify the DSN name in the connection string.

Alternatively, use a DSN-less connection string:

my $dsn = "driver=Adaptive Server Anywhere 8.0;DBN=database;ENG=server;LINKS=tcpip{host=}";

my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:$dbd:$dsn", $uid, $pwd, $attr)
  or die "Error: Connecting to datasource: $DBI::errstr";

However, on testing with Perl 5.8, DBI 1.30 / DBD::ODBC 0.43 I notice that I get an unexpected error:

failed: [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]General error: Connection was terminated (SQL-S1000)(DBD: dbd_db_login/SQLSetConnectOption err=-1)

A quick look in the ODBC SQL trace file indeictes the following problem:

perl -w 500-4ec EXIT SQLSetConnectOption with return code -1 (SQL_ERROR)
HDBC 01D515E8
SQLPOINTER 0x00000001

DIAG [S1000] [Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]General error: Connection was terminated (-308)

But this error does not occur when using a DSN name rather than a DSN-less connection or when using DBD::ADO.

  Simon Oliver

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