> I have looked everywhere I can think of and tried tracing to 
> isolate this this issue. I have not been able to figure it 
> out. I am using DBI::ODBC to the Pervasive.SQL driver. 
> Everything works great except for stored procedures with a 
> colon in them. These same stored procedures work fine via 
> ODBC, On example is:
> $dbh->prepare ("create procedure p1 (); 
>           begin
>           declare :a int = 0;
>           while (:a < 3) 
>           do 
>           begin 
>           insert into tDst select * from tSrc; 
>           end 
>           end while
>           end;"); 
> Stored procs without a colon in them also work great. Any 
> thoughts or ideas would be more than appreciated.

What version of DBD::ODBC are you using?

Perldoc DBD::ODBC is your friend.  Look for the attributed


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