I know there's probably a better way to do what I'm trying to accomplish
so I'd like some opinions.

I have 2 cgi programs. One has a form full of text boxes sending data to
the 2nd program.  What I need is an easy way to add the single-quotes to
each variable that is not an integer before sending the statement to my
Oracle database.

So say I had -


NAME and ADDRESS being character and ZIP being integer variables, and I
wanted to make sure the went in as

$statement = qw/select * from otable where name='$name' and
address='$address' and zip=$zip/;
$sth = $dbh->prepare($statement);

I need a way (hopefully not messy) to "interpolate" those variables into
the sql statement but also have them single-quoted.  I could probably
work something out but I usually find that there's an easier way to do
things after I have made a mess of them.

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