Hi all,

I recently subscribed to the list and searched for the topic I'm going to
ask here in the list archive, but couldn't counf it. Sorry if this has been
in the list for some time.

I'm looking for database browsing modules that allow to edit and delete and
modify and ... records. I just found one module in SourceForge called
DBIx::Browse (at http://dbix-browse.sourceforge.net there's a very good
demo). It seems pretty good, but what EXACTLY I'm looking for is a clone of
MSODSC (Microsoft Office Web Component), just in case anyone knows it.

The problem is that I'm currently maintaining a-kind-of-web-program that
has 90%-95% database browsing, and doing with MSODSC was pretty easy
(fortunately I inherited it), but it has all the pros/cons an MS product
has: easy to develop, visually enhanced, ActiveX glued, minimum query
control, lots of problems (not to mention that it's supposed to work in a
broad MS browser versions, but unless you move away from MSIE 5.5 problems
arise ...) and client/server, so I'm trying to move processing and security
to the server side using Perl and DBI.

Anyway, I can't change the application look and feel, and while I maintaing
this and the funciotnality, anything else can be changed for a better

So, and finally :

- Does anyone knows of any module that works this way ??
- Anyone interested in start a new project or modify an existing one ??
(just in case there's no Perl replacement for MSODSC).

Sorry for the long post, and thanks for your time and patience.
Víctor A. Rodríguez 
Perl enthusiast ... and programmer !!

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