This type of trick is good for when you are just writing out sql files for
some other process to apply.  I'd like something that would take a number of
columns that you are going to insert, then return insert statements nicely
formatted and properly quoted for printing.  Maybe it could even check for
non-nullable fields in your insert statement, and things like that.  But
maybe that's beyond the scope of DBI.  For example:

my $table = 'people';
my $printer = $dbh->sql_printer($table);

# so now $printer knows about the columns and types of the target table
# it will quote things properly, complain about missing non-nullable
# complain about addition columns, etc.  Maybe even some type checking?

# you can do the sql directly:

        age => 11,
        first => 'mitch',
        last => undef

# or print it out for later:

print $printer->insert({
        age   => 11,
        first => 'mitch',
        last  => undef

# or do placeholders

my $sth = $dbh->do($printer->insert_placeholder({
        qw(first last age)

# prints something like:

insert people (
values (
        'mitch', -- first
        NULL,    -- last
        11,      -- age

print $printer->delete({
        age   => 11,
        first => 'mitch',
        last  => undef

# prints something like:

delete people
where first = 'mitch'
  and last is null
  and age = 11

Or maybe an interface like this would be better:

$printer->sql('insert', {
        age   => 11,
        first => 'mitch',
        last  => undef

# prints this:
#insert people (age, first,last) values(11, 'mitch', NULL)

$printer->placeholder_sql('insert', {
        age   => 1,
        first => 1,
        last  => 1

# prints this:
# insert people (age, first, last) values (?, ?, ?)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Keith Jackson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 8:40 AM
> To: Tim Bunce
> Subject: Re: shortcuts for common placeholder idioms...
> my 2 cents...  You can't just blindly take form names from the query
> object and try to stuff them in a table.  I have function that I call
> first that determines the common fields between the form and my table.
> Then I create the insert/update statement.  Thanks Tim for the "x @cols"
> clause.  Going to change my code to use it.
> sub commonFields{
> my $table = shift;
> my $query = shift;
> my $dbh = shift;
> my %mark;
>         my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from $table where 1=0")|| die
> $dbh->errstr;
>         $sth->execute || die $dbh->errstr;
>         grep($mark{$_}++,@{$sth->{NAME_lc}});
>         return grep($mark{lc $_},$query->param);
> }
> On Mon, 2003-03-10 at 17:15, Tim Bunce wrote:
> > > foreach ( $cgi->param() ) {
> > >    push @cols, $_;
> > >    push @vals, $cgi -> param( $_ );
> > > }
> > > my $sql = "INSERT INTO table ( " . join( ", ", @cols ) . " )\n" .
> > >    "   VALUES ( " . join( ", ", map { "?" } @cols ) . " )";
> >
> > Seeing all that 'line noise' makes me think we need a neater way.
> >
> > Personally I'd have written it more like
> >
> > my $sql = qq{
> >     INSERT INTO table
> >            ( } . join( ", ",         @cols ) . qq{ )
> >     VALUES ( } . join( ", ", ("?") x @cols ) . qq{ )
> > };
> >
> > but that's not really that much clearer and possibly more
> > 'magical' to the novice who may not be familiar with 'x' as a
> > list replication operator.
> >
> >
> > But imagine the DBI provided these two functions:
> >
> > sub comma_separated_values { join ", ", @_ }
> > sub comma_separated_placeholders { join ", ", ("?") x @_ }
> >
> > you could then write the statement like this:
> > separated
> > my $sql = qq{
> >     INSERT INTO table
> >            ( ${\comma_separated_values(@col)} )
> >     VALUES ( ${\comma_separated_placeholders(@col)} )
> > };
> >
> > The "... ${\...} ..." is a little magical but not hard to master.
> > It's just a cute way to evaluate expressions inside a double quoted
> > string. The ${...} part expects a reference to a scalar so that's
> > what the backslash before the function name is for. The backslash
> > takes a reference to the scalar value returned by the function and
> > the ${...} then interpolates that into the string.
> >
> > Perhaps we could call the functions dbi_csv and dbi_csp then we'd have
> >
> > my $sql = "INSERT INTO table ( ${\dbi_csv(@col)} ) VALUES (
> ${\dbi_csp(@col)} )";
> >
> > which seems rather neater than where we started:
> >
> > my $sql = "INSERT INTO table ( " . join( ", ", @cols ) . " )\n" .
> >    "   VALUES ( " . join( ", ", map { "?" } @cols ) . " )";
> >
> >
> > Comments?
> >
> > Tim.
> --
> Keith Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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