On Wed, Mar 26, 2003 at 08:07:31AM -0600, Neibarger Scott H wrote:
> I'm going to have a multi-threaded daemon application on each TEC server
> that will have all of the logic necessary to perform the appropriate
> application. Within the TEC rules engine, I will have developed external C
> shared objects that Prolog will load as external predicates.  The main
> shared object will be a simple client application that will pass the event
> information as CSVs up to the daemon application via a BSD socket.  My
> question with regards to Perl and DBD::Oracle is this:
> Has anyone given DBD::Oracle with Perl ithreads a try to see how well it works?

I trust you'll be using perl 5.8.0 (and 5.8.1 when it's released).

DBD::Oracle certainly works with Perl ithreads.
A key issue is how much sharing you want between the threads.

Gerald Richter supplied a patch in DBD::Oracle 1.13 that lets
multiple threads share the same underlying Oracle connection.
But you'd probably be safer with one connection per thread for now.

How many threads will you have, and how many need to talk to Oracle
directly (and not just queue data for an Oracle worker thread to
deal with)?

> Should I just write this multi-threaded daemon in C instead of Perl?

That's basically up to you. No reason why you could treat an initial
perl version as a prototype and see how it goes.


p.s. My company offers support for DBI and DBD::Oracle on normal
commercial terms.

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