This is a function that works for informix. You mileage will vary.

# This function queries the database about a table. Returns three values: # 1) The strings that represent how to reconstruct the # table. IE: "biblio_id CHAR (7)," # 2) The number of columns in the table. # 3) The array of column names. sub get_columns_defs { my ($sth, $table) = @_; my @row,$col_name,$type_name,$col_len,@results,$i,@variableArray,$nulls; @results = (); $i=0; #print "Getting table schema for $table\n"; $sth->execute($table); while (@row = $sth->fetchrow_array ) { $i++; $nulls = ($row[1] > 255) ? " NOT NULL" : ""; $row[1] -= 256 if ($row[1] > 255); $col_name = $row[0]; $type_name = $typ{$row[1]}; $col_len = $row[2]; if ($type_name eq 'CHAR' || $type_name eq 'VARCHAR'|| $type_name eq 'NCHAR'|| $type_name eq 'NVARCHAR') { push @results, sprintf "\t%-30s\t%-8s(%d)%s" , $col_name,$type_name,$col_len,$nulls ; } else { push @results, sprintf "\t%-30s\t%-8s%s" , $col_name,$type_name,$nulls ; } push @variableArray, $col_name; } return (join(",\n", @results),$i,@variableArray); }

my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Informix:$database", $user, $pass);

$dbh->{ChopBlanks} = 1;

# Query the database for column names, types & length of each
# column in a specific table.
my $stmnt = $dbh->prepare("
SELECT colname col_name, coltype type_name, collength col_len
FROM systables, syscolumns
WHERE systables.tabid = syscolumns.tabid
AND tabname = ?

#This function call returns three arguments:
#  1) schema = the strings that represent how to reconstruct the
#              table.  IE: "biblio_id     CHAR    (7),"
#  2) numberOfVariables = the number of columns in the table.
#  3) variableArray = the array of column names.
($schema,$numberOfVariables,@variableArray) = &get_columns_defs($stmnt, $table);

-- Brian Millett Enterprise Consulting Group "Shifts in paradigms (314) 205-9030 often cause nose bleeds." [EMAIL PROTECTED] Greg Glenn

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