On Wed, 18 Jun 2003 09:34:11 -0500, NIPP, SCOTT V (SBCSI) wrote: Hi Scott
We're drifting off-topic, so I'll just give a schema below and then fade away... > Let's say that I have users Mary, Joe, Frank, and Dan. I also have >servers panther, cheetah, jaguar and lion. The data for each >account that I >want to maintain is UID, GID, home directory, and default shell. Here's one design: You have a list of servers, and every list should be in its own table, so: table: server columns: server_id auto inc primary key server_name unique key You have a list of users, and every list should be in its own table, so: table: user columns: user_id auto inc primary key user_name unique key (careful!) The complex relation between server and user requires another table to manage that relation, so: table: account columns: account_id auto inc primary key account_server_id key account_user_id key account_uid account_gid account_home account_shell and, yes, I can see 1 table and 2 table solutions. -- Cheers Ron Savage, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 20/06/2003 http://savage.net.au/index.html