> Can you dig up my previous email on the subject?
> Tim.

Thanks to Google, I can.

From: Tim Bunce ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: Re: "Built with DBI" logo?
Newsgroups: perl.dbi.users
Date: 2003-04-27 13:00:11 PST

I'm open to a DBI logo competition being run (again).

Yes, there was a few years ago but I can't recall now what happened
in the end. I suspect the winning image (if one was ever declared)
didn't capture the imagination of enough users.

Perhaps once the reworked web site is up then I'll announce a competition.

Meanwhile I'd rather _not_ have a temporary logo.


> On Tue, Jul 15, 2003 at 12:56:21PM -0600, Sterin, Ilya wrote:
>> I'll let Tim respond with contest details, but for what it's worth...
>> Tim if we would have the contest now, it'd be in time for the
>> launching of the new DBI site.
>> Ilya
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: John Costello
>> Sent: 7/15/03 12:54 PM
>> Subject: 'built with DBI' image?
>> This is part question, part very-late-reminder-to-Ilya.  Is there an
>> image
>> for 'built with DBI' or some such?  I recall that someone (Tim?)
>> wanted to
>> have a contest for the image.
>> John
>> cos at indeterminate dot net

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