Here is a tip for compiling DBD::Oracle as a 32 bit application on AIX 5.1 64 bit and Oracle 9.2 64 bit without editting any makefiles. I hope people find this useful:

First, the versions of products I used:
  DBI version 1.32
  DBD::Oracle version 1.14
  Oracle - default 64 bit application with 32 bit libraries
  AIX 5.1 ML03 - 64 bit kernel - ships with Perl as a 32 bit application.
  VisualAge C/C++ 5.0.2

Basically DBD must be compiled as 32 bit to link with Perl's 32 bit libraries.
gunzip -c DBD-Oracle-1.14.tar.gz | tar xvf –
cd DBD-Oracle-1.14
perl Makefile.PL -m $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/demo/

NB: I think there is a bug in the Oracle file $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/
I corrected this (before running the above commands) by replacing the invalid linker option

Have fun: KC.

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