I am trying to install DBD-Oracle-1.114 on windows 2000 client.
        I have oracle  9i client install on this client.
        I successfully install perl and test it.
        I also install DBI successfully.

        when i tried to install DBD-Oracle-1.14 i am getting following errors.
        C:\perl\lib\DBD-Oracle-1.14>perl Makefile.pl -v
        Using DBI 1.37 installed in C:/perl/site/lib/auto/DBI

         Configuring DBD::Oracle ...

        >>>     Remember to actually *READ* the README file!
                Especially if you have any problems.

          The ORACLE_HOME environment variable value (oracle9i) is not valid.
          It must be set to hold the path to an Oracle installation directory
          on this machine (or a compatible archtecture).
          See the README.clients file for more information.

        Please help.
        Tejas Babu

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