You're absolutely right. Its better to use one sorted array instead of
sorting it all the time.

Thanx much again


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael A Chase [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 11:30 AM
To: Rozengurtel, Daniel; dbi-users
Subject: Re: bind columns behavior

On Tue, 9 Sep 2003 09:43:18 -0400  "Rozengurtel, Daniel"

> Thanx much for a nice example it definitely worked for me. However I
> also succeeded (by gish and by gosh I guess) to achieve what I needed
> in this following way:
> # print header record

Memory is cheap enough that you only need to sort once, then use the
array that contains the sorted list.

#> if ($sort_flg eq "Y")
#>   {print OUTFILE join('|',sort @ClnFldsArray)."\n"; }
#> else
#>   {print OUTFILE join('|',@ClnFldsArray)."\n"; }

   my @OutFldsArray = @ClnFldsArray;
   @OutFldsArray = sort @ClnFldsArray if $sort_flg eq "Y";
   print OUTFILE join( "|", @OutFldsArray ), "\n";

> my %row;
> my    $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($sql) || die $dbh->errstr;
>       $sth->execute;
>       $sth->bind_columns( \( @[EMAIL PROTECTED] ));
> while($sth->fetch) {
#>  if ($sort_flg eq "Y")
#>    { print OUTFILE map("$row{$_}|", sort @ClnFldsArray), "\n"; }
#>  else
#>    { print OUTFILE map("$row{$_}|", @ClnFldsArray), "\n"; }

    # The method above leaves a trailing "|" on each line
    print OUTFILE join( "|", @[EMAIL PROTECTED] ), "\n";

> }#while
> Using hash, was useful to me, since I was able to get into any HASH
> element looping thru sorted/not sorted array of predefined fields.
> Something that I was not able to achieve when I started this email.
> I am still puzzled as to why it worked!!!

You may want to look at the following PODs.  You can view them from or by running perldoc $(name).


Mac :})
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