I am running into a problem where it appears as though the $ora_errno
variable isn't being properly reset after encountering an error. What I am
experiencing is that once $ora_errno and $ora_errstr is set, it stays set
upon additional calls to &ora_bind(). The following code produces the

<--- code --


use Oraperl;

$DBH = &ora_login("", "userid/[EMAIL PROTECTED]");

#These values should be empty...
print "Error variables before doing anything...\n";     
print "Error code: $ora_errno\n";
print "Error text: $ora_errstr\n";

#First query -- shouldn't produce an error and will return a result.
$sql = "select log_data from log_os where os_id = :1";
$csr = &ora_open($DBH, $sql);
&ora_bind($csr, '1');
($value) = &ora_fetch($csr);
print "\nValue from query 1: $value\n";
print "\nError variables after basic query 1...\n";     
print "Error code: $ora_errno\n";
print "Error text: $ora_errstr\n";

#Second query -- will produce an error (ORA-01722: invalid number (DBD
ERROR: OCIStmtExecute)) because
#the bind variable isn't the correct type
&ora_bind($csr, 'a');
($value) = &ora_fetch($csr);
print "\nValue from query 2: $value\n";
print "\nError variables after basic query 2...\n";     
print "Error code: $ora_errno\n";
print "Error text: $ora_errstr\n";

#Third attempt -- shouldn't produce an error and will return a result. The
problem, however, is that $ora_errno and $ora_errstr
#still has the previous error AFTER the successful &ora_bind() and
$ora_fetch() call.
&ora_bind($csr, 2);
($value) = &ora_fetch($csr);
print "\nValue from query 3: $value\n";
print "\nError variables after basic query 3...\n";     
print "Error code: $ora_errno\n";
print "Error text: $ora_errstr\n";

print "Logoff of oracle....\n";
print "\n";

-- end code -->

Is this possibly an installation/configuration problem? Something else?

The various versions are:
Oraperl emulation interface version 1.43
DBD::Oracle 1.14 using OCI8 by Tim Bunce
DBI 1.37 by Tim Bunce
Perl v5.6.0 build for AIX
AIX version 5

Thank you for your help.


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