I haven't tried it in a long time (other than running make test) but from
perldoc DBD::ODBC:

           Allow asynchronous execution of queries.  Right now,
           this causes a spin-loop (with a small "sleep") until
           the sql is complete.  This is useful, however, if you
           want the error handling and asynchronous messages (see
           the err_handler) below.  See t/20SQLServer.t for an
           example of this.
Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Ltd, UK

On 11-Sep-2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi, 
> I'm trying to connect to two ms sqlserver 2000 databases with the same schema
> (let's call them 
> dbA and dbB) using the following code: 
> my $connect_string  = "dbi:Sybase:dbname=dbA:server=MyServer"; 
> $connect_string .= ";host=;port=1433"; 
> my $dbh = DBI->connect($connect_string, $username, $userpass, {PrintError => 
> 0}); 
> die "Unable for connect to server $DBI::errstr" 
>     unless $dbh; 
> and in my freetds.conf I have: 
> [MyServer] 
>         host = 
>         port = 1433 
>         tds version = 4.2 
>         try domain login = no 
>         try server login = yes 
> I have read access to both dbA and dbB.  However if dbB is my default db and
> I 
> specify dbA as the dbname (as in the example above), or vice versa, when my 
> script executes the following: 
> $sth = $dbh->prepare("select count(*) from array"); 
> die "Unable for connect to server $DBI::errstr" unless $sth; 
> if($sth->execute) { 
>     while(my @dat = $sth->fetchrow) { 
>                 print "@dat\n"; 
>     } 
> } 
> the data is retrieved from the default db rather than the one I specified
> (btw, 
> yes, i know for sure that the "select count(*) from array" on both db's
> should 
> return different numbers).  So I think that DBI's only connecting to the 
> default db. 
> As well, the statment 
> print "Data sources: " . ($dbh->data_sources()) . "\n $DBI::errstr\n"; 
> prints out no data sources. 
> The DBD I'm using is DBD::Sybase running on the freetds library.  My script's
> running on a linux box and the sqlserver 2000 db's are on a windows 2000 adv 
> server box. 
> So any ideas on how I may get around this problem?  I would really appreciate
> any help. 
> Thanks, 
> Take care, 
> Bilal 

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