I've had similar problems with Python inserting into Oracle.  Turns out
that Microsoft had a problem with MDAC on NT, and I had to upgrade to MDAC
2.5+ to get it to work.  We were experiencing delays of up to 90 seconds
on a simple select statement, and via sqlplus oracle would return the data
in .03 seconds.   The delays were intermittent but looked like it was

Just a thought for you to try.


On Tue, 7 Oct 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Hi,
> wie got a very strange problem here on insertion/update of rows into an
> MS-ACCESS 97 DB which gives us a lot of headache.
> The scripts simply hangs! It waits for an insert/update sent to the
> ODBC-Driver to succeed. But the operation never returns. No error code,
> nothing!
> The problem occurs sporadic, when a lot of the rows are manipulated fast in
> a close loop. The Scripts often hang after a few thousand rows have been
> manipulated successfully, but not always at the same position. On faster
> servers it occures more often than on slower ones.
> Strange, isn't it ?!
> We have an application doing inserts/updates/delete using a user frontend
> not showing this problem. So it  seems to be related to some timing issues.
> I inserted a Win32::sleep(1) after the insert statement, and the problem
> disappeared! Well, not the best solution, though! We have some batch
> routines that should run at full speed.
> The problem doesn't seem to be related directly to DBD/DBI because we have
> an older script using Win32ODBC which shows the same problem.
> Well, it doesn't make sense to send a code example, becase it's rather
> trivial: Simply read lines from a large textfile, split, and do an insert
> into a table.
> Here our environment:
> Windows NT 4.0 SP6a
> ActiveState Perl 5.8.0  Build 805
> DBD-ODBC 1.05
> DBI 1.34
> ODBC Driver : 4.00.5303.01
> Is this a known issue? Thanks for any help
> Stefan Skopnik
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