On Thu, 6 Nov 2003, Paul DuBois wrote:

> At 19:04 +0100 11/6/03, W. Bauer wrote:
> >  > And from http://search.cpan.org/~rudy/DBD-mysql-2.9003/lib/DBD/mysql.pm
> >>
> >>    mysql_local_infile
> >>
> >>      As of MySQL 3.23.49, the LOCAL capability for LOAD DATA may be
> >>      disabled in the MySQL client library by default. If your DSN
> >>      contains the option "mysql_local_infile=1", LOAD DATA LOCAL
> >>      will be enabled. (However, this option is effective if the
> >>      server has also been configured to disallow LOCAL.)
> Rudy,
> This actually should read "However, this option is *ineffective* if
> the server has also ..." :-)

Ah yes. Thank you. Change has been made, checked-in  and will be in 


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