
Do perldoc DBD::Sybase. There is a writeup on how to detect multiple result sets. This method deviates from the DBI standards. Basically, you check a special Sybase attribute in the statement handle, syb_more_results, to see if more fetchable results exist.




Thanks for the response.  Although, the DBD::Sybase docs do detail
retrieving sproc out params as I have done, using the select statement
to explicitly form a result is an interesting solution.

One additional question rises from the fact that DBD::Sybase can handle
returning many result sets and my real life procedure (not this test
one) actually does return many result sets.  With this solution the only
way I can know that I am getting my procedure params is by placing my
select statement last and assuming that the last result row is the one I
am interested in.  Is there a better way of doing this? Also, can I move
the client-side cursor to the end of the result set without having to
fetch all the intermediate results?

Thank you greatly, Steven

-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 12:51 PM
To: Steven Velez
Subject: Re: Stored procedures and DBD::Sybase


I believe that you are misunderstanding what it is that you are receiving. The only output from your commands is the print @c. This comes through the error handler since a print statement is a level 0 or level 10 message from the server and not a result set. Try changing the

print to a select and then you can receive it as a row result.





I am using DBI v. 1.38, DBD::Sybase v. 1.01 (?), and FreeTDS 0.61.2 to
connect to an MSSQL 6.5 database from a Linux client and I am having
problems retrieving the values of out parameters to a stored procedure

I followed the example in the DBD::Sybase docs modifying for my purpose
as follows:


use DBI;
use DBD::Sybase;

my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Sybase:server=****',
  'sa', '****', {PrintError => 1, AutoCommit => 1});

$dbh->do('use tempdb');
my $sql = q{
declare @a int
declare @b varchar(10)
exec foo @a output, @b output
declare @c varchar(255)
select @c = @b + ' : ' + convert(varchar(3), @a)
print @c

my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
do {
      while ($d = $sth->fetch) {
          $rt = $sth->{'syb_result_type'};
          print("Iterating: $rt\n");
          if ($rt == DBD::Sybase::CS_PARAM_RESULT) {
              print("found param result [EMAIL PROTECTED]");
              $a = $$d[0];
              $b = $$d[1];
          } elsif ($rt == DBD::Sybase::CS_ROW_RESULT) {
              print("found row result [EMAIL PROTECTED]");
          } elsif ($rt == DBD::Sybase::CS_STATUS_RESULT) {
              print("found status result [EMAIL PROTECTED]");
} while($sth->{'syb_more_results'});
print("Retrieved values $a $b\n");

And received the following output:

Iterating: 4043
found status result [0]
hello : 5
Retrieved values

As I understand the docs, the there should have been a CS_PARAM_RESULT result set but there was not. As you see, I even printed out the results from the sql to make sure the out params were being set. Am I doing something wrong or is this a known limitation when using my configuration. Perhaps I can use the Sybase Open Client libraries instead?

I help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

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