Ron Savage wrote:

When you call $dbh -> get_info(29)

V 2.1026 V 2.9003
undef ` (backtick)

Although, if the mysqld is started with --ansi, double quotes are accepted as SQL_IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR in addition to backticks. Similarly, DBD::ODBC reports backtick for get_info(29) and it accepts square brackets, backticks, or double quotes (at least when used with MS Access). The reuslts of get_info(29), at least in these two cases should be taken to mean that the result is one of the acceptable quote characters, not that it is the only one.

And of course v2.1026 reports undef, the get_info() method wasn't implemented in DBD::mysql until version 2.9002.


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