
My driver version is:  2000.85.1022.00, which is a bit newer than yours.

I realized I forgot the dbi-users group, so sent it right after.

I did find something in the MS Knowledge Base, but it didn't seem
relevant except for C++...;en-us;183295

Your results are exactly what I'm trying to get... I don't understand
why we don't get the same results unless it has something to do with you
running on Linux... I'm running on Windows 2003 Server, so not using the
ODBC bridge.

I'm at a loss to know where to continue.....


-----Original Message-----
From: Martin J. Evans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 10:01 AM
To: Mitchell, Louise M
Subject: RE: [dbi] RE: succint view of problem - getting results from


> Martin,,
I seemed to be the only one in the list.

I still think you have an older SQL Server driver as I do not get the
call to SQLNumResultCols failing. I am using SQL Server ODBC Driver v

If I modify your script to:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use DBI;
#  using latest version of DBI and MDAC and DBD::ODBC....

$dbh =  DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:test", 'Martin_Evans','easysoft',
            { PrintError => 0,
              RaiseError => 1,
              LongReadLen => 65536,
              odbc_async_exec => 0,
              odbc_err_handler => sub {
                                        my ($state, $msg) = @_;
                                        # Strip out all of the driver ID
                                        $msg =~ s/^(\[[\w\s]*\])+//;
                                        $err_text .= $msg."\n";
                                        return 0;

$command = qq%
dbcc traceon(3604)
dbcc indexdefrag(test,mje2,mje2i)%;

print "** command: \n$command\n";

$sth = $dbh->prepare($command);
    die $DBI::errstr unless $sth;

$rc = $sth->execute();  #  This is the 'do it'.....
do {
    my @row;
    print "RESULT:\n";
    while (@row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
          print "Data: ", join(",", @row), "\n";
} while ($sth->{odbc_more_results});

#$rows = $sth->dump_results();
print "** return code: $rc \n";
print "** rows: $rows\n";
print "\nCOMMAND OUTPUT (from odbc_err_handler):\n$err_text\n";


and run it on a table:

create table mje2(a int)
create index mje2i on mje2 (a)

I get:

Name "main::rows" used only once: possible typo at ./ line 42.
** command: 

dbcc traceon(3604)
dbcc indexdefrag(test,mje2,mje2i)
Data: 0,0,0
DBD::ODBC::st fetchrow_array failed: (DBD: st_fetch/SQLFetch err=-1) at
./ line 35. Segmentation fault

Note the result of 0,0,0 which you don't get. It should not core dump
and I'm investigating that - something to do with the dump_results. With
your script (using dump_results) I get:

** command: 

dbcc traceon(3604)
dbcc indexdefrag(test,mje2,mje2i)
'0', '0', '0'
1 rows
** return code: -1 
** rows: 1

COMMAND OUTPUT (from odbc_err_handler):
[NetConn: 0198c638][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]DBCC
execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system

DBI::db=HASH(0x81af90c)->disconnect invalidates 1 active statement
handle (either destroy statement handles or call finish on them before
disconnecting) at ./ line 38.

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Ltd, UK

On 30-Dec-2003 Mitchell, Louise M wrote:
> Martin,,
> Getting back to this and still having difficulties... always get the 
> 'Invalid cursor state' error message with many of the DBCC commands 
> executed thru the DBD::ODBC.
> Here is a bit of code anyone could execute ( change server name )... 
> it's a simple small test... below is the code and below that the 
> output... nothing I do seems to work here.  I am executing on a 
> Windows server, using the most up-to-date DBI, DBD::ODBC, and MDAC...
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Louise Mitchell
> *************
> *************
> use DBI;
>#  using latest version of DBI and MDAC and DBD::ODBC....
> $dbh =  DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:Driver={SQL
> Server};Server=irmdm2;Trusted_Connection=yes;",'','',
>             { PrintError => 0,
>               RaiseError => 0,
>               LongReadLen => 65536,
>               odbc_async_exec => 0,
>               odbc_err_handler => sub {
>                                         my ($state, $msg) = @_;
>                                         # Strip out all of the driver 
> ID stuff
>                                         $msg =~ s/^(\[[\w\s]*\])+//;
>                                         $err_text .= $msg."\n";
>                                         return 0;
>                                        }
>             }
>            );
> $command = qq%begin
> dbcc traceon(3604) 
> DBCC INDEXDEFRAG(pps,cost_sheet,ix_cost_sheet_u1) 
> end%;
> print "** command: \n$command\n";
>  $sth = $dbh->prepare($command);
>     die $DBI::errstr unless $sth;
> $rc = $sth->execute();  #  This is the 'do it'.....
> $rows = $sth->dump_results();
> print "** return code: $rc \n";
> print "** rows: $rows\n";
> print "\nCOMMAND OUTPUT (from odbc_err_handler):\n$err_text\n";
> $dbh->disconnect;
> *************
> *************
> ** command:
> begin 
> dbcc traceon(3604) 
> DBCC INDEXDEFRAG(pps,cost_sheet,ix_cost_sheet_u1) 
> end
> 0 rows (-1: (DBD: no select statement currently executing err=-1))
> ** return code:
> ** rows: 0
> COMMAND OUTPUT (from odbc_err_handler):
> DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your

> system administrator. Invalid cursor state
> Tool completed successfully
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin J. Evans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2003 2:01 AM
> To: Mitchell, Louise M
> Subject: RE: succint view of problem - getting results from DBCC
> Mitchell,
> OK, I get different results here.
> I am not running the perl on Windows but on Linux through our 
> ODBC-ODBC Bridge to the MS SQL Server ODBC driver on Windows. My 
> SQLNumResults call does not fail but it does return 0 columns which 
> makes DBD::ODBC think there is no result-set - hence the "no select 
> statement currently executing".
> The difference between our results is probably a difference in the MS 
> SQL Server ODBC driver - I'd suggest getting the latest MDAC - see 
> other postings on the list from Jeff Urlwin. However, this is not 
> going to make any difference to the final result since DBREINDEX does 
> not appear to be returning a result-set.
> From my OOB log (my comments start #):
> SQLExecute(0x8268f78)
> ^put_bound_parameters(0x8268f78,0x824a960,1)
>         Driver supports SQLNumParams : 1
>         remote sql_num_params()=0 (return parameters=0)  
>-^put_bound_parameters()=SQL_SUCCESS (nparams <= 0) -SQLExecute(...)=1 
>#  SQLExecute returns SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO which means there is an 
>ODBC #  diagnostic to pick up  
> 270)
>         0 records on client according to header
>         record 1 NOT found on client
>         Now looking for error record 1 on server -SQLGetDiagRec()=0
> 270)
>         0 records on client according to header
>         record 2 NOT found on client
>         Now looking for error record 2 on server -SQLGetDiagRec()=100
> these diags appear to be: # sqlstate=01000 native=2528 "[NetConn:
> 0627bd50][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server # Driver][SQL Server]DBCC
> completed. If DBCC printed error messages, # contact your system
> administrator."
> SQLRowCount(0x8268f78,0x824b01c)
> -SQLRowCount(RowCount=-1)=0
> SQLNumResultCols(0x8268f78,0xbffff6de)
> -SQLNumResultCols()=0 (value=0)
># SQLNumResultCols returns 0 columns in result-set - hence no
> SQLMoreResults(0x8268f78)
> ^oob_new_result_set(0x8268f78,0,1)
> ^retrieve_server_diags(3,0x8268f78,3,0xaf1780)
>         1 diags found in server
> ,0xbffff144)
>         -^post_error()
> -^retrieve_server_diags()
> -^oobc_new_result_set()=0 (f=0x21)
> -SQLMoreResults()=1
># SQLMoreResults returns SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO
># so more diags to pick up
> 120)
>         1 records on client according to header
>         Found error record 1 on client
> -SQLGetDiagRec()=0
> 120)
>         1 records on client according to header
>         record 2 NOT found on client
>         Now looking for error record 1 on server -SQLGetDiagRec()=100
> these diags appear to be the same as above - again.
> SQLNumResultCols(0x8268f78,0xbffff6de)
> -SQLNumResultCols()=0 (value=0)
># Again, no resulting columsn hence no result-set
> SQLMoreResults(0x8268f78)
> -SQLMoreResults()=100
># no more result-sets
> So no result-sets were created by the reindex. The example on MS site 
> suggests you should see something like:
> Index (ID = 1) is being rebuilt.
> Perhaps you don't get these if the index does not need rebuilding.
> I don't mind being quoted on dbi-users.
> Martin
> --
> Martin J. Evans
> Easysoft Ltd, UK
> Development
> On 13-Dec-2003 Martin J. Evans wrote:
>> Mitchell,
>> Forget that, I've reproduced here.
>> Martin
>> --
>> Martin J. Evans
>> Easysoft Ltd, UK
>> Development
>> On 13-Dec-2003 Martin J. Evans wrote:
>>> Mitchell,
>>> I don't see why SQLNumResultCols returns an invalid cursor state but
>>> it may be something to do with the SQLExecDirect returning a 
>>> at all possible you could mail me your code and the info to allow me
> to run
>>> this against my SQL Server and I'll take a look.
>>> I see from the MS site that:
>>> DBCC DBREINDEX returns this result set (message) if the NO_INFOMSGS
>>> option is
>>> specified:
>>> DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact
>>> your system administrator.
>>> which is what you got without specifying WITH NO_INFOMSGS.
>>> Martin
>>> --
>>> Martin J. Evans
>>> Easysoft Ltd, UK
>>> Development
>>> On 12-Dec-2003 Mitchell, Louise M wrote:
>>>> Martin,
>>>> I did as you suggested, but am not sure how to interpret the
>>>> results... I've included it below... could you possibly take a 
>>>> look... it seems to error about a SQLNumResultCols call....which is

>>>> confusing to me... this command (DBCC REINDEX) doesn't return a 
>>>> result set...
>>>> L
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       ENTER SQLAllocHandle 
>>>>               SQLSMALLINT                  3 <SQL_HANDLE_STMT>
>>>>               SQLHANDLE           01F32400
>>>>               SQLHANDLE *         01BA0CA8
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       EXIT  SQLAllocHandle  with return
> 0
>>>>               SQLSMALLINT                  3 <SQL_HANDLE_STMT>
>>>>               SQLHANDLE           01F32400
>>>>               SQLHANDLE *         0x01BA0CA8 ( 0x01f32d10)
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       ENTER SQLPrepare 
>>>>               HSTMT               01F32D10
>>>>               UCHAR *             0x01BA59A4 [      82] "begin\
> adbcc
>>>> traceon(3604)\ aDBCC
>>>> DBREINDEX('pps.dbo.cost_sheet',ix_cost_sheet_ui)\
>>>> aend"
>>>>               SDWORD                    82
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       EXIT  SQLPrepare  with return code 0
>>>>               HSTMT               01F32D10
>>>>               UCHAR *             0x01BA59A4 [      82] "begin\
> adbcc
>>>> traceon(3604)\ aDBCC
>>>> DBREINDEX('pps.dbo.cost_sheet',ix_cost_sheet_ui)\
>>>> aend"
>>>>               SDWORD                    82
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       ENTER SQLFreeStmt 
>>>>               HSTMT               01F32D10
>>>>               UWORD                        3 <SQL_RESET_PARAMS>
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       EXIT  SQLFreeStmt  with return code 0
>>>>               HSTMT               01F32D10
>>>>               UWORD                        3 <SQL_RESET_PARAMS>
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       ENTER SQLExecute 
>>>>               HSTMT               01F32D10
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       EXIT  SQLExecute  with return code 1
>>>>               HSTMT               01F32D10
>>>>               DIAG [01000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL
>>>> Server]DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, 
>>>> contact your system administrator. (2528)
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       ENTER SQLErrorW 
>>>>               HENV                01F31788
>>>>               HDBC                01F32400
>>>>               HSTMT               01F32D10
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F924 (NYI) 
>>>>               SDWORD *            0x0140FB68
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F524 
>>>>               SWORD                      511 
>>>>               SWORD *             0x0140FB8A
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       EXIT  SQLErrorW  with return code 0
>>>>               HENV                01F31788
>>>>               HDBC                01F32400
>>>>               HSTMT               01F32D10
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F924 (NYI) 
>>>>               SDWORD *            0x0140FB68 (2528)
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F524 [     139]
>>>> "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]DBCC execution
>>>> completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system 
>>>> administrator."
>>>>               SWORD                      511 
>>>>               SWORD *             0x0140FB8A (139)
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       ENTER SQLErrorW 
>>>>               HENV                01F31788
>>>>               HDBC                01F32400
>>>>               HSTMT               01F32D10
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F924 (NYI) 
>>>>               SDWORD *            0x0140FB68
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F524 
>>>>               SWORD                      511 
>>>>               SWORD *             0x0140FB8A
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       EXIT  SQLErrorW  with return code 100
>>>>               HENV                01F31788
>>>>               HDBC                01F32400
>>>>               HSTMT               01F32D10
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F924 (NYI) 
>>>>               SDWORD *            0x0140FB68
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F524 
>>>>               SWORD                      511 
>>>>               SWORD *             0x0140FB8A
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       ENTER SQLErrorW 
>>>>               HENV                01F31788
>>>>               HDBC                01F32400
>>>>               HSTMT               00000000
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F924 (NYI) 
>>>>               SDWORD *            0x0140FB68
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F524 
>>>>               SWORD                      511 
>>>>               SWORD *             0x0140FB8A
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       EXIT  SQLErrorW  with return code 100
>>>>               HENV                01F31788
>>>>               HDBC                01F32400
>>>>               HSTMT               00000000
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F924 (NYI) 
>>>>               SDWORD *            0x0140FB68
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F524 
>>>>               SWORD                      511 
>>>>               SWORD *             0x0140FB8A
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       ENTER SQLErrorW 
>>>>               HENV                01F31788
>>>>               HDBC                00000000
>>>>               HSTMT               00000000
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F924 (NYI) 
>>>>               SDWORD *            0x0140FB68
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F524 
>>>>               SWORD                      511 
>>>>               SWORD *             0x0140FB8A
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       EXIT  SQLErrorW  with return code 100
>>>>               HENV                01F31788
>>>>               HDBC                00000000
>>>>               HSTMT               00000000
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F924 (NYI) 
>>>>               SDWORD *            0x0140FB68
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F524 
>>>>               SWORD                      511 
>>>>               SWORD *             0x0140FB8A
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       ENTER SQLRowCount 
>>>>               HSTMT               01F32D10
>>>>               SQLLEN *            0x01BA0CD0
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       EXIT  SQLRowCount  with return code 0
>>>>               HSTMT               01F32D10
>>>>               SQLLEN *            0x01BA0CD0 (-1)
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       ENTER SQLNumResultCols 
>>>>               HSTMT               01F32D10
>>>>               SWORD *             0x0140FBBA
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       EXIT  SQLNumResultCols  with return
> code -1
>>>> (SQL_ERROR)
>>>>               HSTMT               01F32D10
>>>>               SWORD *             0x0140FBBA
>>>>               DIAG [24000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server
>>>> Driver]Invalid cursor state (0)
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       ENTER SQLErrorW 
>>>>               HENV                01F31788
>>>>               HDBC                01F32400
>>>>               HSTMT               01F32D10
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F7F0 (NYI) 
>>>>               SDWORD *            0x0140FA34
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F3F0 
>>>>               SWORD                      511 
>>>>               SWORD *             0x0140FA56
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       EXIT  SQLErrorW  with return code 0
>>>>               HENV                01F31788
>>>>               HDBC                01F32400
>>>>               HSTMT               01F32D10
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F7F0 (NYI) 
>>>>               SDWORD *            0x0140FA34 (0)
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F3F0 [      55]
>>>> "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Invalid cursor state"
>>>>               SWORD                      511 
>>>>               SWORD *             0x0140FA56 (55)
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       ENTER SQLErrorW 
>>>>               HENV                01F31788
>>>>               HDBC                01F32400
>>>>               HSTMT               01F32D10
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F7F0 (NYI) 
>>>>               SDWORD *            0x0140FA34
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F3F0 
>>>>               SWORD                      511 
>>>>               SWORD *             0x0140FA56
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       EXIT  SQLErrorW  with return code 100
>>>>               HENV                01F31788
>>>>               HDBC                01F32400
>>>>               HSTMT               01F32D10
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F7F0 (NYI) 
>>>>               SDWORD *            0x0140FA34
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F3F0 
>>>>               SWORD                      511 
>>>>               SWORD *             0x0140FA56
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       ENTER SQLErrorW 
>>>>               HENV                01F31788
>>>>               HDBC                01F32400
>>>>               HSTMT               00000000
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F7F0 (NYI) 
>>>>               SDWORD *            0x0140FA34
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F3F0 
>>>>               SWORD                      511 
>>>>               SWORD *             0x0140FA56
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       EXIT  SQLErrorW  with return code 100
>>>>               HENV                01F31788
>>>>               HDBC                01F32400
>>>>               HSTMT               00000000
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F7F0 (NYI) 
>>>>               SDWORD *            0x0140FA34
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F3F0 
>>>>               SWORD                      511 
>>>>               SWORD *             0x0140FA56
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       ENTER SQLErrorW 
>>>>               HENV                01F31788
>>>>               HDBC                00000000
>>>>               HSTMT               00000000
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F7F0 (NYI) 
>>>>               SDWORD *            0x0140FA34
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F3F0 
>>>>               SWORD                      511 
>>>>               SWORD *             0x0140FA56
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       EXIT  SQLErrorW  with return code 100
>>>>               HENV                01F31788
>>>>               HDBC                00000000
>>>>               HSTMT               00000000
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F7F0 (NYI) 
>>>>               SDWORD *            0x0140FA34
>>>>               WCHAR *             0x0140F3F0 
>>>>               SWORD                      511 
>>>>               SWORD *             0x0140FA56
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       ENTER SQLFreeHandle 
>>>>               SQLSMALLINT                  3 <SQL_HANDLE_STMT>
>>>>               SQLHANDLE           01F32D10
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       EXIT  SQLFreeHandle  with return code
> 0
>>>>               SQLSMALLINT                  3 <SQL_HANDLE_STMT>
>>>>               SQLHANDLE           01F32D10
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       ENTER SQLAllocHandle 
>>>>               SQLSMALLINT                  3 <SQL_HANDLE_STMT>
>>>>               SQLHANDLE           01F31830
>>>>               SQLHANDLE *         0140FAAC
>>>> process_engine  9a0-81c       EXIT  SQLAllocHandle  with return
> 0
>>>>               SQLSMALLINT                  3 <SQL_HANDLE_STMT>
>>>>               SQLHANDLE           01F31830
>>>>               SQLHANDLE *         0x0140FAAC ( 0x01f32d10)
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Martin J. Evans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>> Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 12:58 AM
>>>> Subject: RE: succint view of problem - getting results from DBCC 
>>>> Mitchell,
>>>> Can you generate an ODBC trace to locate exactly how the invalid
>>>> cursor state occurs. You can do this from the ODBC Administrator 
>>>> trace tab.
>>>> Martin
>>>> --
>>>> Martin J. Evans
>>>> Easysoft Ltd, UK
>>>> Development
>>>> On 12-Dec-2003 Mitchell, Louise M wrote:
>>>>> All,
>>>>> I've posted bits of this earlier, but here is the problem in a 
>>>>> nutshell... the code below executes DBCC INDEXDEFRAG in a MS SQL 
>>>>> Server... I did some research on the 'invalid cursor state' that 
>>>>> you'll see below in the output... this command returns a result
> set,
>>>>> so I realized I needed to retrieve that separately...that did not
>>>>> solve the problem... so the bottom line is... how do I get the
> result
>>>>> set from this sort of command... and also get the message output (
>>>>> that's working right now...)
>>>>> Other commands, such as DBCC CHECKDB...don't return result sets, 
>>>>> so
>>>>> I
>>>>> get all of the output handled in the odbc_err_handler...
>>>>> Here's the basic code..... results are can see that 
>>>>> the 'dump_results' method didn't have anything to work on...
>>>>> Does anyone have any clues here?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> LouiseM
>>>>> *************************
>>>>> code
>>>>> ***********************
>>>>> use DBI;
>>>>> $dbh_actions =  DBI->connect
>>>>>            ("dbi:ODBC:Driver={SQL 
>>>>> Server};Server=irmdm2;Trusted_Connection=yes;",'','',
>>>>>             { PrintError => 0,
>>>>>               RaiseError => 0,
>>>>>               LongReadLen => 65536,
>>>>>               odbc_async_exec => 0,
>>>>>               odbc_err_handler => sub {
>>>>>                                         my ($state, $msg) = @_;
>>>>>                                         # Strip out all of the
> driver
>>>>> ID stuff
>>>>>                                         $msg =~
> s/^(\[[\w\s]*\])+//;
>>>>>                                         $err_text .= $msg."\n";
>>>>>                                         return 0;
>>>>>                                        }
>>>>>             }
>>>>>            );
>>>>> $command = 'begin dbcc traceon(3604) DBCC
>>>>> INDEXDEFRAG(pps,cost_sheet,ix_cost_sheet_u1) end';
>>>>>  $sth = $dbh_actions->prepare($command);
>>>>>     die $DBI::errstr unless $sth;
>>>>> $rc = $sth->execute();  #  This is the 'do it'.....
>>>>> $rows = $sth->dump_results();
>>>>> print "** rows: $rows\n";
>>>>> print "\nCOMMAND OUTPUT:\n$err_text\n";
>>>>> $dbh_actions->disconnect;
>>>>> *************************
>>>>> *************************
>>>>> 0 rows (-1: (DBD: no select statement currently executing err=-1))
>>>>> ** rows: 0
>>>>> DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact
>>>>> your
>>>>> system administrator. Invalid cursor state

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