> I have problems retrieving data from a Microsoft Access 97 
> database using DBD::ODBC. Using the code
>       ...
>       $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT table.id,table.field FROM 
> table WHERE
> (((table.field) Like \'${variable}*\'));");
>       $sth->execute;
>       $sth->dump_results();

Try to run the same query with MSQuery (or some other more "pure" ODBC
client).  The JET engine and access front-end don't behave like pure ODBC.
Try changing the * to a %, but, quite frankly, I'm not sure what the syntax
is for like with the Access ODBC engine.

Finally, send a DBI trace (level 5) if you are still having issues, but I
suspect it's in the Like clause.


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