
Summary of email sent earlier:  Skipping the error step saves 3min in a 5
minute process,  where it would take < 1 sec if data was returned.

my $rs = $cxn->Execute("...");  # Takes 0:54 sec
  $_->Description, "\n" for Win32::OLE::in( $err ); # Takes 3:00
  $err->Clear;             # Takes 0:54 Sec


>> Better use my test script
>>   <http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/dbi/2004-01/msg00322.html>
>> first and replace
>>   print $_->Description, "\n" for Win32::OLE::in( $err );
>> with my code snippet. This will not loop at all (for > $MAX_ERRORS).
>> To leave the loop after $MAX_ERRORS steps would be better. But in
>> this case I cannot use Win32::OLE::in, something like
>>   while ( my $err = $Errors->Next ) {
>>     last if ...
>> instead. I have to test this ...
>> Steffen

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