On 02/04/2004 12:55 PM, Michael Cesar wrote:

Heres the entire script.

Michael Cesar

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use DBI;
use Data::Dumper;
use DBD::Oracle qw(:ora_types);

my (@result_arref,@row);

my $dbh = DBI->connect(
) || die $DBI::errstr;
eval {
    my ($SSP,$rc);

This prepare() could be do() if you really intend to create the package every time the script runs.

BTW, if you are really putting the SELECT text in the script,
prepare()ing a SELECT by itself and executing that would be more
efficient and avoids having a cursor returned from a package.

    my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare(
        CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE sp_getCaseFile2(
           tid      IN    NUMBER,
           sid          OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER,
           sname        OUT       NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
           cnum         OUT       NOCOPY NUMBER,
           cdate        OUT       NOCOPY DATE,
           ctext        OUT       NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
           aname        OUT       NOCOPY VARCHAR2
           v_tid        NUMBER  := tid;
           v_sid        NUMBER;
           v_sname      VARCHAR2(16);
           v_cnum   NUMBER;
           v_cdate  VARCHAR2(8);
           v_ctext  VARCHAR2(128);
           v_aname  VARCHAR2(32);

        CURSOR csr_caseFile(v_tid NUMBER) is
            aa.agent_name, ajs.suspect_name, ajs.suspect_id, ajtc.CLUE_NUMBER,
            to_char(ajtc.CREATE_DATE, 'MON-DD') dt, ajtc.team_id, ajc.clue_desc
            ajis_agent aa, ajis_suspect ajs, ajis_team_clue ajtc, ajis_clue ajc
            aa.team_id = v_tid AND
            aa.team_id = ajtc.team_id AND
            ajtc.clue_number = ajc.clue_number AND
            aa.agent_id = ajtc.agent_id AND
            ajc.suspect_id = ajs.suspect_id AND
            ajs.active = 'Y'
        order by ajs.suspect_id;

v_cfile csr_caseFile%ROWTYPE;

        /* Check the cursor is open, else open it.Fetch data into cursor record.

        IF (NOT csr_caseFile%ISOPEN) THEN
        OPEN csr_caseFile(v_tid);
        END IF;

FETCH csr_caseFile INTO v_cfile;
/* Assign cursor result set to output variables, one record at a time.

            v_sid   := v_cfile.suspect_id;
            v_sname := v_cfile.suspect_name;
            v_cnum  := v_cfile.clue_number;
            v_cdate := v_cfile.dt;
            v_ctext := v_cfile.clue_desc;
            v_aname := v_cfile.agent_name;
        END LOOP;
        IF (csr_caseFile%ISOPEN) THEN
            CLOSE csr_caseFile;
        END IF;

-- Consider logging the error and then re-raise
END sp_getCaseFile2;
$rc = $sth1->execute;
$SSP = $dbh->prepare("BEGIN sp_getCaseFile2(:tid, :sid, :sname, :cnum, :cdate, :ctext, :aname); END;");
my $tid = 3;
my $sid;
my $sname;
my $cnum;
my $cdate;
my $ctext;
my $aname;
$SSP->bind_param(":tid", $tid );
$SSP->bind_param_inout(":sid", \$sid, 10);
$SSP->bind_param_inout(":sname", \$sname, 16);
$SSP->bind_param_inout(":cnum", \$cnum, 10);
$SSP->bind_param_inout(":cdate", \$cdate, 8);
$SSP->bind_param_inout(":ctext", \$ctext, 128);
$SSP->bind_param_inout(":aname", \$aname, 32);
warn "Executing for the first time...";
my $cnt = 0;
while ( $sid ) {
print "$sid, $ctext\n";
last if ($cnt > 10);
if ($@) {
my $err = "DB-ERR: $@ [$DBI::errstr]";
die $err;

print Dumper([EMAIL PROTECTED]);

If you can't run the SELECT directly and your friendly local DBA won't let you return a cursor from the procedure, you've got about as good as
it gets. Maybe you can show him
http://search.cpan.org/src/TIMB/DBD-Oracle-1.15/Oracle.ex/curref.pl to
ease his concerns about returning a cursor. Note PROCEDURE
ref_cursor_close in PACKAGE curref_test.

Look at
http://search.cpan.org/src/TIMB/DBD-Oracle-1.15/Oracle.ex/proc.pl, only
$SSP->execute() is needed, not $SSP->fetch().  $SSP->fetch() would apply
if you were fetch()ing from a SELECT.

Mac :})
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