Jeff Zucker wrote:

>>Not one response since Feb 9th? what's going on here?
> You mean the Feb. 9th that happend less than two weeks ago?  Did you
> submit a patch?  If not, what is going on is probably that the module's
> author a) has a life and/or b) is busy. :-)

*chuckle* Well, I was basically hoping along the lines of someone else
having had this problem and knowing what to do to fix it...

>>Am I invisible?
> Not to me. And good thing too.  It's nice of you to report problems, I
> know because you've helped me by doing so with several of my modules.

Well that's good to know. I was hoping it wasn't the knode newsreader I've
been using under linux (I'm too used to MT-Newswatcher on the Mac :)
somehow karking up my news postings. At least I know now that I've gotten

Hows everything going by the way, with AnyData, and the book related stuff ? 

>> How could I tell? :)
> Look in a mirror?  (note: may not provide conclusive evidence if you are
> a witch).

LOL .. wait, isn't that 'vampire' ? 

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