On Tue, 2004-03-23 at 06:24, v79k wrote:
> Hi,
> I have successfully installed DBD::Sybase and FreeTDS
> for my Perl program on Linux.
> I also ran the tsql diagnostic routine and at least it
> connects to the DB. 
> So I assume FreeTDS is ok. (I think I got the
> freetds-0.61 directory.) 
> It is also able to find the Sybase.pm module. Cause
> that error was sorted out.

> Was told 1433 is the default port number by DBA.
> # falcon is the database I want to connect to.
> my $dbh =
> DBI->connect("DBI:Sybase:falcon:$SQLSERVER:1433",$SQLUSER,$SQLPASS)
> || die ("Database connection not made: $DBI::errstr");
> Also tried without port number,
> my $dbh =
> DBI->connect("DBI:Sybase:falcon:$SQLSERVER",$SQLUSER,$SQLPASS)
> || die ("Database connection not made: $DBI::errstr");

Have you read the DBD::Sybase docs?
Have you read the FreeTDS docs?

You should have an entry in /etc/freetds.conf (or
/usr/local/etc/freetds.conf) for your server (I guess that's "hawk"),
which specifies the IP address (or hostname) and port of the server, and
possibly the TDS protocol level.

Next you use:

$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Sybase:server=$SERVER", $user, $pwd);

to connect.

If you want to specify the *database* to use at connection time you can
do that as well:

$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Sybase:server=$SERVER;database=$DB", $user,

note that DBD::Sybase connection attributes (server, database, charset,
etc) are separated with semi-colon ';'.

Michael Peppler                              Data Migrations, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                       http://www.peppler.org/
Sybase T-SQL/OpenClient/OpenServer/C/Perl developer available for short or 
long term contract positions - http://www.peppler.org/resume.html

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