Hi people,

I am trying to graph a line chart of bandwitdh utilization.see attachment.

1)The x axis is determined by the module itself.
Is there anyway i can override this and determine my own x axis.
Can i have say points every hour with markers every four harrs in a daily graph.
2)the legend also appears automatically is there anyway i can specify the position of 
the legend.
3)If suppose there is a daily graph for a router and there is no data,can i have a 
linegraph upto the last data point then a break and then the line graph starts 
again.Right now a line gets drawn between the last polled point before the break and 
after .
eg 10,12,3,4,5,NULL,NULL,NULL,25

5 will be plotted and a sloping line upo the 25 ignoring the nulls.I want a break to 
show on my graphs.One way to do this is to print the points but on a 5 minute daily 
graph there will be 1440 points and it will be all clutterd.

Any suggestions?

Attachment: current.png
Description: Binary data

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