Greetings, I have a general problem sourcing out variables in perl. I certainly can read the environment variables, but setting them persistently even after the script has finished is something I'm having a little more difficulty with. For example, I'm wanting to use "oraenv" from Oracle to set my environment variables for a database sid and the Oracle home for a server with multiple instances/databases. I currently do this in a KSH script that takes in the Oracle sid, sets ORAENV_ASK=NO, and then runs:
$. oraenv After my ksh script terminiates, if I goto the shell and type echo $ORACLE_HOME, and $PATH, everything is set as expected. This is, however, the ONLY script I have left in my series of Oracle scripts left in KSH. I've looked numerous places and asked the perl gurus that I know and they had never dealt with the sourcing/setting of OS environment variables in a persistent state. Can anyone give me a hint? Thanks, Scott