
(I posted this to perl.dbi.users, which probably doesn't get much traffic,
being an archive and all, so I'm trying the list itself.)

I'm using DBD::Sybase 1.02 and DBI 1.42.

The stored procedure writer here is telling me that she's sending
a VARCHAR that's padded with spaces, but the spaces aren't there
when I retrieve them with fetchrow_arrayref.  The data is going to
be written to a file and FTP'ed to another vendor's site, and the
idea is that the Perl program shouldn't have to know the layout of
the data.  If the table changes, the script shouldn't break.  Hence
the padding.

As I suspected, since the datatype is VARCHAR not CHAR, setting
$sth->{ChopBlanks} = 0 as well as passing ChopBlanks => 0 in the
%attr arg of connect() did not change the behavior I'm seeing.

Any suggestions?



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