Rudy Lippan wrote:
On Sat, 10 Apr 2004, JupiterHost.Net wrote:

Via the command line I can connect to MySQL and do what I want fine.
Via DBI I get the classic "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/MySQL.sock' (2)"

So MySQL seesmt to not be running but it is! The socket is '/usr/local/MySQL/run/MySQL_socket' and is setup that way in my.cnf so if I `ln -s /usr/local/MySQL/run/MySQL_socket /tmp/MySQL.sock` then DBI can connect().

So the question is, where does DBI get /tmp/MySQL.sock from and can/how

It gets it from the libraries that you linked against.

So there is no way to edit a file and change it once and perminantly?

can/where would I change it to /usr/local/MySQL/run/MySQL_socket or

Add the connect option: ';mysql_socket=/path/to/socket.sock

would it be better if I change my.cnf to use /tmp/MySQL.soc (if so why)?

Or you can add a ';mysql_read_default_group=client' to your connect string which will cause mysql to read the client group out of

Thanks for those 2 ideas, I'll benchmark them and use the fastest one unless I can fix it so I don't have to have a special connect entry or create a symlink everytime I restart mysql.


Thnaks for your insights Rudy, I very much appreciate it :)


Lee.M - JupiterHost.Net

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